About the author

Hi! I'm Fay, the author of this site, and haver of opinions since 1981.

I set up Living With My Mistakes in part because I hope my experiences (in recovery from addiction, coping with an invisible disability, and more) might help others, and in part as a proactive exercise in my fight against the crushing ennui of perfectionism.

Perhaps by writing it down and putting it out there, I can help others who are going through the same thing, and maybe make it not so hard for them? Let's hope.

I've long held myself back from doing, making or creating, because of the worry that what I produce might just be crap. Or rather, not perfect. But I recently had a realisation: perfection is a slippery eel that, really, there's not much point in trying to catch. If I do make things and they're rubbish...oh well. I can chalk it up as another in a long line of mistakes, learn from it and move on.

So, my life's work from now on will be an exercise in living with my mistakes. By owning them as things I have done, accepting that they are not who I am, and getting on with the business of living anyway.

Because it's far better to enjoy the process than the result alone. If you enjoy the ride, not just the destination, you'll have more fun.

I hope you'll enjoy my mistakes, because I plan on making a whole lot more of them.


Love always,



P.S. Head here to start at the start with my first post.