Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 3rd


The Christmas Song is a Nat King Cole classic that I simplified for ukulele, seemingly so I could murder it. Or at least, so I could do something untoward with it, judging by the video.

(Your mileage may vary. I don’t think it came out that badly, if I’m honest. Remember, it’s one take with me and my uke: no effects on my voice, no edits, no extras. Singing, playing and looking good simultaneously is a bit like like manufacturing cheap, fast and high quality: you can only have two of those three attributes at any one time. Regardless, it’s harder than it looks.)

Thankfully, I’m learning an awful lot from this whole terrible process. Key learnings span both the good and bad:

YAY!: I now know which angles to definitely never, ever film myself from, unless I’m trying to look like the Pilsbury dough boy.

BOO!: Some footage totally wasted because, even with radical acceptance, it was unusable material because of how I’d set it up, and how batteries had run out.

YAY!: Accepting how I look when I sing, a smidge.

BOO!: Not terribly happy with how I look Out There, in general, in third-person view. Believe me, it’s much better from here in first-person view. On the upside, it’s motivation to get back on the self-care in terms of exercise… Thankfully, a moggy companion came to join the video, so there’s something nice for you to look at.

YAY!: I’m starting to learn my way around Adobe Premiere a bit

BOO!: Some bugs that Adobe haven’t fixed meant meant I had to realign the sound and pictures frame by frame.

YAY!: I’m starting to memorise the Premiere keyboard shortcuts.

BOO!: There’s so much I’ve yet to learn, and so litle time! But I know now more than I did three days ago, so I’ll count it as a win.

Here’s the video. You’ll find the chord sheet below…

ukulelecover #christmasmusic One of my favourite Christmas classics, simplified down so that a non-jazz guitarist can do a serviceable rendition. (Moggy companion liked it. But, he's biased.) You'll find the chord sheet for this and all the other Advent Calendar songs at I hope you enjoy the song!

And here’s the chord sheet for The Christmas Song.pdf

I hope you enjoy playing it yourself!

Love always,

