Chords: Tomorrow Is Mine from Bayonetta 2


Hey, friends. It’s been a while since I put up the chords for anything, so let’s start again with an absolute banger of a choon from an exceptional game called Bayonetta 2.

If you haven’t played the game, you really should, but if playing video games isn’t your sort of thing, the main theme song is also great fun to try out. The chords should be fine for ukulele, guitar, etc, but remember: you have to feel it out, and may need to transpose for your range…

Here you go!

Tomorrow Is Mine Chords.pdf

I figured this out myself, so I’m absolutely sure it’s not 100% correct, and I’m pretty sure the words aren’t quiiite right…but it’s in the ballpark, feels good and lets you play a semblance of a song which is inevitably crazy jazz chords. I know it’s not notated in the key, but it’s better than nothing, ya hear me?

As always, here’s my Imperfection Project recording (one take, no effects,) so you can hear what I’m going for:

Should the mood take you to watch me be utterly harassed by one of my cats while playing, here’s a short vid on my YouTube channel too. Enjoy!

Love always,


P.S. I did not write this song, I don’t own any rights to it. The original is much, much better. Go buy Bayonetta 2, then buy the soundtrack and give those lovely people who DID make it some money. Here’s the original…

Game: Bayonetta 2 Music: Theme of Bayonetta 2: Tomorrow is Mine