Original Song: Look For The Lights
Something a bit uplifting for these trying times? Something hopeful, and positive, and encouraging? Could be covered by this song I wrote a couple of weeks ago, before the anxiety-inducing news had ramped up, but your mileage may vary.
Either way, come take a look at my Imperfection Project video for Look For The Lights.
All yesterday and today I was suffering from stupid hands, where I just kept putting my fingers in all the wrong places, and messing up my own song. Hence, I kept to the simple rhythm my brain likes to do (even though the song was initially written on the off-beat) and there's a whole lot of looking at my hands while I’m playing, which is something I try so hard to avoid. Ah well. Even though it’s not such an engaging video to watch, I'm proud of how it came out.
Out of all those I’ve written, this is one of the songs I like the most. I feel good about this one. The first line of the chorus rolls around in my head a lot, and I can imagine how it’d sound as a fuller version with more instrumentation and layers of vocals. It’s nice to write something a little upbeat, even if I can’t play it properly today.
(And yesiree, I scrubbed my hands, and glasses, before and after this vid, because I have to keep pushing my megaheavy specs up. Stay safe, people!)
Here’s the Imperfection Project video:
I’m trying so hard not to touch my face, and when I fail at that, it’s surgical handwashing technique time. A small price to pay for the health of the nation, right?
Look for the lights, wash your hands, and even if you’re having a stupid fingers day, know that you can still make something quite pretty in the end.
Love always,