Ukulele Chords: We'll Meet Again by Dame Vera Lynn

We'll Meet Again.jpg

Since the Queen’s rather lovely speech, I’ve had this rolling around in my head, so I put together some chords for ukulele that sound more right to me than any of the others available…

Come get you the chords for We’ll Meet Again, by the nation’s sweetheart, Dame Vera Lynn.

Given that my hands have been giving me jip for the last couple of weeks, I did the short, transposed version of the song in my Imperfection Project video. The mic’s a bit low ‘n’ close, and I make some flubs, but it’s still quite pretty. Oh well, eh chaps? Keep calm and carry on.

SInce the Queen's rather lovely speech, I've had this rolling round in my head. It's good that this is so short as my hands have been giving me jip for the p...

Are the chords perfect? Not by a long shot, but I can sing along with them and not go off key, unlike with all the other versions I found on the net. The chord before the B7 can be Bm instead of B, but truly, both sound fine for this song and the B>B7 transition is much easier for me right now. Despite the cascades of Em throughout the song, I went with a full E major at the end for that nice triumphant sound. A lot of the chords in certain lines are optional, but it feels like there should be a chord change there, and this arrangement sounds nice to me.

It’s a really pretty song, and if you have folk of the older generation with you, you can go around with the verse and bridge until the cows come home. Given that I’ve had difficulty playing for a couple of weeks I went with the short, sweet version.

Here are the chords I’m playing in the video:

I’m sure you’ll do a much better job than I did. :)

Love always,



P.S. This isn’t my song, it was made famous by the inimitable Dame Vera Lynn. An absolute boss, if ever there was one.

From the album: We'll Meet Again