Chords: Fun by Selena Gomez

Come get you some simple chords for the brilliant song Fun, by Selena Gomez.

Gosh I do love me some Selena Gomez, from her intelligence to her talent to her entrepeneurship she’s just…great. (And Only Murders In The Building is absolute perfection.) Anyway, her album Rare is often on rotation in my house, and Fun is one of my favourite tracks from it. Even better, it’s really simple to play, and helped me learn a little bit of finger-picking.

The verses and chorus are simply A, G and D (in that order) and the bridge has the slight variation of A, Bm, D. That’s all there is to know!

For my Imperfection Project video - the first I’ve made in quite a while - everything went wrong. I got the wild idea to do a video because the light was good in the room, and the weather was good in my head, but then my camera had no battery charge and the chargers and spare batteries have spirited away I know not where…and then about a billion other little things went awry.

Thankfully, a spare camera was hanging around and, to sieze the moment, I went with it. In hindsight, I should’ve just used my phone because the quality is terrible but c’est la vie.

It’s one take, four chords, many imperfections, but most importantly, it’s done. It’s up and the seal on making videos is once again broken…

Hope you enjoy playing, I’m sure you’ll do a much better job than I did. Have FUN!

Love always,


P.S. I own no rights to this song whatsoever. Go give Selena some money: buy the album and bounce around in your room. You won’t regret it.