Advent Calendar December 17th: Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas


This is quite literally my favourite Christmas song of all time.

Sure, I love the classics, in fact, the olde schoole of Christmas songs is my favourite genre, but as far as single tracks go, this one by the Eels is the absolute top. It’s easy to play, fun to harmonise (#FORESHADOWING), and just an absolute bop.

For those of us who suffer with depression and anxiety (waves hands wildly) it’s also a beautiful message. Because everything is going to be cool this Christmas, my darling. We got this.

I had some fun with this one! First off recording the song, which I did from memory, no chord sheet or anything like that, so I was able to really throw myself into it. And also in the post processing, where I learned how to add extra audio to the video, to let me work in a few extra elements that, in my opinion, really make it sing. (No pun intended.)

Sure, I make a few mistakes here and there, but I’m really proud of how it came out, and the learning process of doing all this makes me really excited for what I’ll do with my own songs…


Because yes, I do write songs of my own, and one day I’d like to put them up somewhere for people to enjoy. That’s a looooooong way off yet, though. For now I need to get a handle on performing, filming and editing. My idea is to do covers on YouTube for some time, until I can do all this editing stuff in my sleep, and then work up to putting my own songs out there into the world.

Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing to do?

I think so.

A girl can dream, and it’s been a long time since I allowed myself to dream. I think it’s time for some wishes my heart makes to start glowing in the night sky.

So, here’s the video:

(Check out that moggy interloper! Did you spot the line that always makes me instantly emotional? I did a better take than this one, but how real that is made me keep this one.)

Here’s the chord sheet for Everything’s Gonna Be Cool This Christmas.pdf

I hope you have a thoroughly rockin’ time playing it on your ownsome!

Love always,
