Advent Calendar December 16th: Snowflakes


IT SNOWED! When I woke this morning it was snowing – sadly, it stopped by the time I’d set up my camera, aaand then started again after I was done. Clearly, Lady Luck isn’t on my side for a snowflakes tumbling shot today.

In my haste, here I am, bleary, puffy, makeup-free and in my PJs for a sultry(ish) rendition of a very pretty song by Olivia Holt off the Disney Holidays Unwrapped album. It’s a song that I like very much, and I think it came out alright, if I’m honest. Even with the camera randomly refocusing on the background every few moments…

I appreciate the message of the song. Sadly the phrasing has been co-opted by people on the internet to be mean and put other people down.

But, I prefer the true and honest take on it:

We are all unique, and that’s beautiful.

We’re all trying to find our people,

and a place we can call home.

And all we can do is our best at what makes us, us.

But then, I’m a hopeless romantic.

The original is better and has capo on 3, but, y’know, this version you can play yourself. Here’s the vid for your delectation:

IT SNOWED! When I woke this morning it was snowing - sadly, it stopped by the time I'd set up my camera, aaand then started again after I was done. Clearly, Lady Luck isn't on my side for a snowflakes tumbling shot today.

Here’s the chord sheet for Snowflakes.pdf

Have fun, you beautiful creature!

Love always,
