Advent Calendar December 23rd: I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day


All you want for Christmas is this Wizzard track covered, with Santa beard hilarity, and multi-track harmonies? You got it. You’ve been good, after all.

This one is posted late because, well, it’s Christmas Eve Eve, and Tesco was mad (but full of good cheer), then cooking gravy was mad (but likewise), as was filming this in an unfamiliar setup, then realising I still needed to figure out the chords for the instrumental bit (sorted!), and then my sound recorder didn’t want to recognise my microSD card. I got there in the end...and I’m really proud of the potential this process shows. It’s proof of concept if nothing else.

It’s a darn good Christmas song. In the top five, for sure…

Here’s the video. Hope you enjoy it - I certainly enjoyed making it!

All you want for Christmas is this Wizzard track covered, with Santa beard hilarity, and multi-track harmonies? You got it. You've been good, after all. All the chords for the advent calendar songs can be found at my website: Enjoy!

Aaand here’s the chord sheet for I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day.pdf

(Yes, I skipped the intro for the video again… How do you like my beard? Fetching, no?)

I hope you enjoy playing the song yourself, I’m sure you’ll make it magical.

Alright you lot, take it!

Love always,

