Advent Calendar December 24th - One More Sleep


It's the last day of the Advent Calendar, and my hands didn't want to behave at all today on this unfamiliar, UK uke. But this beautiful song from The Muppet Christmas Carol had to be *today's* song, so there was nothing for it but to turn away from the mic and will my silly, rebel hands to form the trickier chords.

I hope that you've enjoyed my Advent Calendar, such as it was, and that you're with the people you love this Christmas. If so, tell them that you love them, and cherish every moment. If not, make a toast to absent friends, and know that your heart is not alone this Christmas.

It’s been quite an experience, and so, so much work. I’m proud of what I’ve created though, and am still figuring out exactly what to say about it. Watch this space in the coming days for a full thought-splurge.

For now, while I wouldn’t change a thing, with all the work put into the Advent Calendar videos I’m behind with all other aspects of Christmasing: I’ve not wrapped a single present yet, and I still haven’t watched The Muppet Christmas Carol! (Something I may well rectify in about an hour.)

At some point soon I'll put up a full songbook with all the Advent Calendar chord sheets in (plus maybe a little extra) but for now…a pile of unwrapped presents calls. Wish me luck!

The chords

For the sake of fun playing and performing solo, I cut the instrumental bits. (Merry Christmas, Penguins!) Still, my version is based on the widely-available chords (peers suspiciously at widely-available chords, sweeps them under the carpet) with some pretty ornamented bits added in by me, as well as a rather improvised bridge link to bring it back down from the semitone up where my fingers wouldn’t form the chord shapes. We all have those days. It’s a weird hybrid version that sounds alright, and worked well enough for the final video.

Speaking of which…

ukulelecovers #christmasmusic It's the last day of the Advent Calendar, and my hands didn't want to behave at all today on this unfamiliar, UK uke. But this beautiful song had to be *today's* song, so I simply had to turn away from the mic and will my silly, rebel hands to form the trickier chords.

And as always, here’s the chord sheet for One More Sleep.pdf

I’m sure your hands will behave much better than mine when you play. Enjoy!

Sleep well, my dears, and regardless of what tomorrow brings, try to wake with a thankful heart. It’s the best gift you can give.

After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas...

Love always,

