Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 5th


Let It Snow! Possibly one of the best Christmas songs of all time, no? And it doesn’t even mention Christmas once in the lyrics. The song title itself has an exclamation mark in it, to really hit home how little they cared about the snow while canoodling!

I love the smooth-as-butter Dean Martin version for my classic Christmas Playlist. But regardless of who’s singing, it’s a ditty that makes you feel all cosy, doesn’t it?

I made up a little fire before I figured out this was the song for December 5th, and it was down to embers when I was recording this. Cosmos didn’t mind, he was too busy stealing the entire show, and the digital focus of my camera. (LOOK AT HIS INCREDIBLE MOGGY FACE!)

I took the usual chords that are bandied around on the net for this song, which were a little too simple (too few chord changes) for me and tweaked them to feel a bit more natural. As always, here’s the video, and the chord sheet is underneath.

The chord sheet for Let It Snow!.pdf

I hope you enjoy playing the song as much as I did!

Love always,

