Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 6th


Guess who got a cold? Yes. I know. It is the worst possible timing, isn’t it?

I flail internally with impotent sadness, but, this is the body I’m stuck in, and the endeavour’s about radical acceptance so, *shrug*, not much I can do.

Which means I must bring out, as the Blue Peter crew might say ‘one I made earlier’ for today’s song. In this case, Silver Bells, recorded last night, where I’m mega puffy and a little off because my cold was taking hold like mad.

I forced myself into work this morning and quickly realised that concentration wouldn’t be possible (given that I was wildly dissociating, which was interesting). Traipsed back home, fell into bed, and went out like a light. Several hours of sleep later, I still feel like garbage and can barely breathe, but can string a sentence in pixels. So, hooray for progress?

Since I can’t sing right now, it looks like the songs for the next few days may have to be random takes I recorded while I’ve been warming up so far - which means they’re not going to be the best or most flattering clips.

It is what it is.

ukulelecover #christmasmusic #christmassongs #gotacold Guess who got a cold? So here's one I recorded earlier, with a nice unflattering angle, and me looking puffy as my cold sets in. Magical. Nothing a heavy shadow effect won't fix, right? (My moggy friend returned to scry in the flames. I wonder what he saw..)

And here’s the chord sheet for Silver Bells.pdf

Fingers crossed I’ll wake in the morning right as rain, or even just a smidge more right than I am now…so I can get back to work, back to singing, and back to enjoying a numb lack of awareness of my sinus lining.

I hope you enjoy playing the song!

Love always,

