Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 7th


I have a cold. I feel pretty terrible right now, and my voice is all reedy and rubbish. Weirdly, I sound more normal singing than I do talking, but I can hear the difference, for sure.

It feels like a bit of a shame to do I’ll Be Home For Christmas when my voice isn’t on top form, but it’s one of the few Christmas songs that’s both short and doesn’t require much vocal oomph. I am severely lacking in vocal oomph today.

I captured this recording in literally my first full take, and my throat felt like sandpaper at the end. A warning sign: my skin telling me that's quite enough, thank you. So this is the take we'll go with. 

Please excuse my appearance: hair wet from the shower, fresh-faced, in my PJs. Plus I definitely mess it up in a couple of places.

But, it is done.

Here’s the video, and the chord sheet below so you can play it better than I.

ukulelecover #christmasmusic I have a cold. I feel and sound terrible. I definitely mess this up. But it's kind of pretty, even with all of the above. You can find all of the advent calendar song sheets at I hope you like the song!

And here’s the chord sheet for I’ll Be Home For Christmas.pdf

It’s a beautiful song to sing (usually) so I hope you’ll enjoy playing it! Fingers crossed my voice returns properly tomorrow…

Love always,

