Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 10th


I had to record this song yesterday, as life is going to get in the way today. Hence why my voice is still all addled with cold in the video. Needs must.

Today's song is a simplified cover of Best Christmas Ever by Julian Moon, and I think it came out quite pretty, given the circumstances. The chords are comfy and cosy, the words are romantic, and it’s got a nice, chill vibe which fits with my intense inability to put any force behind notes right now…

Here’s the vid!

So vibrato. Much lack of breath. Wow.

And here’s the chord sheet for your Best Christmas Ever.pdf

Love always,



Disclaimer: I totally did not write and do not own this song, that’s all Julian Moon’s thing! The original song is gorgeous, and has some really lovely layers of instrumentation that make it a pleasure to listen to. Go check it out now!