Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 9th


My voice is so messed up from my cold that I can barely sing. When I call on it, the sound doesn’t do the usual…stuff it does. It’s quite upsetting, actually. I cannot wait to be over with this cold so I can stop just trying to stay on the right melody, and can start really enjoying singing again.

Today’s video is a soft and smoky version of Christmas Is Coming, an R5 song from a Disney Christmas album I love to bits, no matter what anyone says. *shrugs*

It’s a really pretty little song that sounds best when done as a duet, like on the record, but there’s only one me, and no chance I could multi-track with this darn cold. This is what I am going with!

(Also, my hair’s sticking up all crazy-like, for today and tomorrow’s videos, no less. Radical acceptance, people. Radical acceptance.)

Can you tell how exhausting it was to record this one? Here’s the video:

ukulelecover #christmasmusic My voice is so shot from my cold, I can barely sing this one. I'm hoping it lets up soon and my normal voice will return. This is a cover of an R5 song from a Disney Christmas album that I love to bits, despite everything.

And here’s the chord sheet for Christmas Is Coming.pdf

Fingers crossed this cold goes real soon, and I can get my real voice back. In the meantime, give the song a go yourself! Have fun.

Love always,



Disclaimer: I don’t own the song, Disney do! The R5 version is even better, and the album it’s off (Holidays Unwrapped) is an awful lot of fun. Go find it! Here’s the original song:

All rights go to R5 and ClevverTV.