Recovery Mixtape – An Act of Rebellion

Recovery Mixtape an Act Of rebellion.jpg

After a recovery playlist that isn't about wallowing in addiction? Me too. But all I could find were depressing ones full of songs about drinking or taking drugs – which isn't what I want to be focusing on when utilising music to strengthen my resolve. So I made my own.

In my recovery I don't want to be singing about the needle and the damage done, how I hurt myself today (to see if I still feel) or wondering, 'How do I feel this good sober?'. So I don't want all the tunes people recommend when you search the net for 'Recovery songs'. 

I want a playlist of (generally) upbeat, songs that will lift my spirits, fan the flames of my fierce determination, make me feel understood and empathised with, and get me sticking my middle fingers in the air saying,


Some are breakup songs, some are about being the best you've ever been, others are about not being quite there yet but keeping on trying. (Some are missing in the YouTube version, because YouTube.) All of them have me flipping the bird at who I used to be, on the lyrics that are meaningful to me personally.

In a world full of drinkers, taking the path of recovery is an act of rebellion.

(Spotify version shown first as it has a couple of extra songs, then the YouTube version. Enjoy!)

A playlist featuring Hunter Hayes, Owl City, KAYE, and others

Find out more at After a recovery playlist that isn't about wallowing in addiction? Me too. Couldn't find one. So I made...