Chords: The Best Day by Taylor Swift

Ukulele songsheet The Best Day.jpg

It's Father's Day – a day that's really difficult if your dad has passed, as mine has. Social media is full of people who don't know what this feels like yet, and I hope they won't for a long time.

As always these days, I choose to meet my challenges head on – but facing down grief is no small task, even though the years render the crashing waves of loss fewer and further between. Somehow I managed to get through recording my imperfection project version of this song without full-on crying, so that's the take we're going to go with, okay? Good.

The Best Day is a pretty song by Taylor Swift, from her earlier, country music days. It's all about those memories of being tiny and your Dad being a gentle giant, with some melancholy about growing up, and nostalgia of days past that you'll never get back thrown in.

The real song is different chords with a capo on 6, but this transposed version feels and sounds nice(ish) to play as my tribute to my Dad, and our odd, conflicted relationship. I changed the words a little, admittedly. I still have difficulty with present and past tense when it comes to him.

(Can you hear where my timing is off and I'm trying really hard to just get the words out? I can too, but who cares? It was oddly therapeutic to do, and I feel like I've gained something from the experience.)

Here's the songsheet for those of you who want to sing and play it.

The Best Day songsheet.pdf

If you can, call your dad already. If you can't, then we're looking at the same sky, and my heart knows the same sorrow as yours.

(I miss you, Dad.)

Love always,

