Posts tagged songsheet
Chords: Owata by The Smashing Pumpkins

Sometimes my Kind-Eyed-Boy has to travel for work, and one of the things I tend to do when he's away is send him recordings of my hapless covers. He doesn't seem to mind.

This is one I sent to him last time he was away. 

Herein you'll find some simple ukulele chords to cover this altogether pretty and and uplifting song by The Smashing Pumpkins – plus an imperfection project recording with some serious issues...

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Chords: The Best Day by Taylor Swift

It's Father's Day – a day that's really difficult if your dad has passed, as mine has. Social media is full of people who don't know what this feels like yet, and I hope they won't for a long time.

As always these days, I choose to meet my challenges head on – but facing down grief is no small task, even though the years render the crashing waves of loss fewer and further between. Somehow I managed to get through recording my imperfection project version of this song without full-on crying, so that's the take we're going to go with, okay? Good.

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Chords: Vienna by Billy Joel

Look, I know its not 'cool' but neither is playing the ukulele, or stopping drinking, or baring your lack of talent for folk to poke fun at in a steadfast exercise to grow as a person: Billy Joel is one of my favourite artists. Yeah. You heard me. I just really like his voice. His lyrics strike a chord with me. His vocal range and mine have a pleasing crossover. Some of his songs are pleasantly hard to play and have chord progressions that make me smile big. I'm resolutely uncool. And I am cool with it.

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Chords: Halfway Home by Nerina Pallot

A little while ago I wrote about how ukulele songbooks are often awful, and loftily pledged to publish songsheets for tunes I enjoy singing and playing. Since then I've been debating how to start the series. (Something easy, classic, or a lesser-known favourite?) I've settled on embracing the me, and now. It's a song I figured out this last week, and which nobody on the internet seems to have quite the right chords for: Halfway Home by Nerina Pallot.

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