Chords: Halfway Home by Nerina Pallot

Ukulele songsheet Halfway Home.jpg

A little while ago I wrote about how ukulele songbooks are often awful, and loftily pledged to publish songsheets for tunes I enjoy singing and playing. Since then I've been debating how to start the series. (Something easy, classic, or a lesser-known favourite?) I've settled on embracing the me, and now. It's a song I figured out this last week, and which nobody on the internet seems to have quite the right chords for: Halfway Home by Nerina Pallot.

Here's the PDF songsheet for you to download, print and play yourself:

Halfway Home Songsheet.pdf

As part of my ongoing exercise in imperfection, and as some questionable form of proof that it can be sung and played, here's me and my ukulele, doing what we do. It's one naked take, recorded on my phone, so apologies for the sound (or should that be sing?) quality.  

As an aside, singing and playing is a tricky thing. There's a lot going on, with strumming, staying in time (I mean, more or less) singing the right(ish) words with the right(ish) melody, changing chords at the right time...and doing all of that simultaneously. Your voice sounds different Out There than it does reverberating through your own bones. And all of this is magnified when you hit the red record button.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy singing and playing this beautiful song yourself.

(Fires, which it's from, is a really pretty album, and I'll inevitably do a couple more from it. All in good time.)





Disclaimer: I did not write this song. It's not mine. I don't own any part of it. Here it is sung beautifully by the original artist, in case you've not heard it before...

from Fires