Cardio Playlist - Yes, You Can

Cardio Playlist Yes You Can.jpg

If you plan on doing cardio, you're going to need music. But, you don't want some generico-smug club dance mix. No. You deserve an incredible, motivating curation of bizarre juxtapositions that'll make you want to


Here is one such mix I made, just for you...


It's composed of around 20 tracks I've been defaulting to of late from my Ultimate Cardio Playlist - which should be plenty for a reasonable session, allowing skips for NOT NOW, TOO FAST, DYING, HELP. There are upbeat bangers, more sedate speed-walkers, and several you really shouldn't try consecutively if you want to survive the session. (You'll know, believe me...) 

Pop it on random, get on your treadmill/cross-trainer/resistance robot, head out into the heat if you're a mad dog or an Englishman, and work like your heart depended on it. Because she does.


(There's more where this came from, too, but making a concise playlist now means you won't be totally overwhelmed, and I can gift you with a few more in future. Don't worry, I've got some weights playlists in the works for you, too...)

As always, there's an extra song on the YouTube version...because YouTube is a little bit of a rights rapscallion like that. Enjoy!

Love always,




YouTube version first, Spotify below:

Find out more at Breathe. Keep moving. Yes, you can.

A playlist featuring Mason, Aqua, Katy Perry, and others

Fitness, MusicFaymusic