Chords: Paving the Runway (You're Gonna Fly) by JJ Heller

Paving the runway.jpg

(Head here for more chords for songs, suitable for ukulele, guitar, piano, whatever!)

Right now, I'm feeling fairly pleased with myself. It's Friday night, and I spent the evening figuring out some chords for this lovely song, did two (quietly holding back because it's past ten) takes into my phone, decided to run with the second one, and barrelled straight into writing this. I think the recording sounds pretty nice. Your mileage may vary...

I don't know this artist (JJ Heller) at all, just this song. It came up on my Spotify and I fell for its sweet sentimentality: a message from parent to child about how they're sure to do wonderful things. It's pure, good, kind, familial affection put into song, and it feels nice to breathe through that standpoint for just a moment. (As an aside, upon checking out the rest of the artist's work, it's all a bit...religious, for me. If that's what you're after, go check her out! If not, take the money, or the music, and run.)

While I'm positive the chords I've cobbled together aren't an exact match for the record throughout, they give the right feel, movement, and progression for me - and sound really nice on ukulele. I tweaked a bit for the ending to give a 'big finish' for this acoustic version, because, well, why not?

As always, here's the imperfection project recording to show you how it sounds. (With some random crackling in the background, just for fun.)

Here's the songsheet for if you want to download it, print it out, and play it yourself.

Paving the Runway songsheet.pdf

I'm sure you'll sound beautiful. Enjoy!

Love always,




Disclaimer: I don't own the song, nor did I write it. The original is much better, and sounds like this...

Visit - JJ's making a new record this year! Get this song from iTunes: I'm releasing a song on the first Friday of each month.