Chords: Owata by The Smashing Pumpkins


Sometimes my Kind-Eyed-Boy has to travel for work, and one of the things I tend to do when he's away is send him recordings of my hapless covers. He doesn't seem to mind.

This is one I sent to him last time he was away.

Herein you'll find some simple ukulele chords to cover this altogether pretty and and uplifting song by The Smashing Pumpkins – plus an imperfection project recording with some serious issues...

First off, the imperfection project cover.

You know the score: one take into my phone, various weird vicissitudes of my lack of rhythm, and in this case some strange positioning making some parts too loud, and others too quiet. All of this, though, is dominated by a whole load of string buzz towards the end.

I really must get that fixed. I love this ukulele but damn does it seem to have an annoying bee in residence...

Regardless, the recording's kind of nice in places, and ooohing the guitar solo feels good.

(Can you hear all that damn awful buzzing. Yeah, me too.)

But the gist? Get it? Got it? Good.

Now you.

For those who want to learn how to play this nice, simplified version of the song, here's the songsheet with the chords suitable for ukulele or guitar.

Owata Chords Songsheet.pdf

Are those actually the lyrics? We'll never really know. Do they sound good enough, regardless? You bet your ass they do. 

Have fun!

Love always,



Disclaimer: I didn't write this song, nor do I own anything about it. Here's the original. Isn't it pretty? Doesn't his voice sound great? Aren't the layers of the sounds gorgeous? (Thanks Corgan-Kun.)

The tenth released song from "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope".