Advent Calendar December 14th: Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland.png

Who's looking and sounding their best? Not I.

(Probably you, though. You’re looking so pretty today!)

I'm exhausted after a long week, and still snuffly with cold, which is why (in the video) I'm all up in my PJs, ready for a cosy night watching movies in bed. But day 14's Winter Wonderland is done!

I know, I know, F7 is supposed to have a pinky finger down on the A string. But, my hands didn’t want to play today, even when the rest of me did. And why make life harder for myself or be perfectionist about it, when this whole shebang, process, exercise, thingy, is about Doing and Having Done - not Thinking About And Never Doing…

As always, we dispense with the intro…

Pah! Intros! They’re for when you don’t have analytics and video drop-offs at play!
Forget about the hair…

Do just enough so you feel fairly pretty when you snuggle up, huggle up, nice and tight.
And try not to think about what your weird plastic face is doing…

Because it’ll do whatever it wants, let’s be honest.

So just enjoy playing the song and let it be.

Here’s the vid…

Who's looking and sounding their best? Not I. Probably you, though. I'm exhausted after a long week, and still snuffly with cold, which is why I'm all up in my PJs, ready for a cosy night watching movies in bed. But day 14's Winter Wonderland is done! Hope you like it!

Boy, that’s a loud, creaky chair.

Aaaand here’s the chord sheet for Winter Wonderland.pdf

Have fun playing! And be careful out there, campers.

Love always,

