Original Song: Some Days Are Better

Some days are better.jpg

I write songs sometimes. I’ve written a handful that I’m really proud of, either because of what they say, or how they say it. Here’s one of those songs.

I started this blog as part of the process to become the best me that I can, and in the hopes that the products of my brain and heart may help others whose mental Venn diagrams overlap with mine. That journey involves becoming more comfortable with putting my art out into the world – whether it’s finished, final and perfect, or not.

It’s a strange, exposed feeling to put something you’ve created out there, whether it’s representative of your innermost thoughts, or a flight of fancy. In this case, there’s a lot of my truth in the song.

Here’s my Imperfection Project recording:

If you’re in a bad place, always remember that it’s not forever.

Love always,



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