Playlist: Cardio - Bike Songs 2019

Bike Songs 2019.jpg

Working out needs the right music, and never more than on the boring, boring bike. Well, hell’s bells my fellow mistake-makers, do I have some great bike music for you…

After a long hiatus due to big life events, injuries, and general focus elsewhere for a few months, I’m back on track and working out plenty of late. It feels good. Thing is, our house is little so I’ve been doing my low-impact (EDS3 HOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) cardio on a foldaway stationary bike…and my goodness, bike cardio is dull as heck. I’ve taken to using some small weights while I pedal, to make it a bit more challenging/interesting, and it works alright, as long as I have Bomb Music.

Over a series of weeks, I’ve put together that Bomb Music for a 20-30 minute session, with extras if you want to go into Bonus Hunt time. (It has to be short and sweet, because any longer and my butt hurts like hell, even with a gel saddle. I’m sadly not blessed with a booty that you can put a nightstand on. First world problems.) This small collection of tracks is what I’ve been coming back to, time and again, and has enough high tempo alternative, pop and more to keep the endless pedalling interesting.

If all else fails, you can bike-dance and mime to the songs. Whatever gets you through, right?

Here’s a direct link to the playlist on my YouTube channel, so you can bookmark it for your next session.

And here’s the embed, just for fun:

Here's my current perfect cardio playlist for bike - enjoy!

Hope you have fun with your workout. I’m positive you’ll absolutely slay it!

Love always,


P.S. I don’t own any of those songs – go buy them so you can keep them forever!