Posts in Self-Care
What to do with time on your hands

Right now, there's a global pandemic, and many folk are in lockdown or are self-isolating. Given we're all staying inside for the foreseeable, we might want some neat ideas for stuff to do…so here's a totally inexhaustive list of cool activities, wholesome media I recommend, and stuff that you've probably forgotten is fun!

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The Unpainted Lady, or A Month Without Makeup

Over the past year and a bit, in an effort to improve my quality of life, I've been re-evaluating what's important – taking an active look-see to test if time and tide have brought me any new wisdom, as they are wont to do.

I've thought a lot about what I truly need for a happy existence, what I want, and what I can do without: seeking out the heart in the chatter, to remind myself of what matters. From my wonky analyses came the idea to go without makeup for a while, and see how it made me feel.

I learned some things about myself in the process, and a fair bit about how some others see me, too...

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Self-care: Dental Appointments

In the past week or so I've experienced almost the most physically painful thing of my life so far. I say 'almost' because there's one bodily trauma that hurt for longer, greater and deeper than this. One.

I knew it was going to hurt, probably quite a lot. But nothing prepared me for the sheer, blinding, imploding levels of pain that would follow when I sat in the dentist's chair.

Voluntarily, I might add... 

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Over the coming weeks and months I'll be cataloguing my mistakes here. Not all of them – after all, some things are sacred – but rest assured that these pages will soon house a fine selection of things that popular opinion will say I probably just shouldn't have done.

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