Christmas Ukulele Songbook 2019

Simplyyyy haaaaving a wonderful chrisssmassstimmmmme.jpg

So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody’s playing songs!

Late in the game, but I finally got around to updating the Advent Calendar Songbook from last year, and it’s ready for you to enjoy. Come get you the ukulele and guitar chords to a cornucopia of Christmas Choons.

I tweaked last year’s book to streamline, make a few corrections, and whatnot. The songbook isn’t exhaustive by any means: there are a whole load of brilliant songs missing (which I plan to add as the years roll by), there are a whole load of chords missing from some songs (because jazz guitarists can bite me right in my primitive fingering abilities), and there are a whole load of chord diagrams missing (because of…lots of reasons).

It’s the work of many, many woman-hours, and filled with nice versions of the songs, many of which I figured out myself, or amended from the overly simplistic versions that are ubiquitous on the net - and which drive me a little mad because there’s a chord change there in the real song!

I’m especially proud of my versions of David & Bing’s duet, and the Wizzard arrangement.

Words to the wise:

A lot of the chords come from my Advent Calendar video series last year, so they’re not necessarily in the key of the original song, but transposed for my vocal range. You may need to flex your transposition muscles to shift them to your liking.

It’s definitely not a beginner’s book: you’ll need to actually know the songs to feel out the exact places for chord changes, have a fairly good handle on your basic chords (or a willingness to learn), and you’ll probably need the wherewithal to look up some weird chords…

With that said, you’ll absolutely rock this perfectly imperfect songbook. I’m sure there are still plenty of mistakes in there, but we’ll live, yeah? It’s the name of the blog, and the songbook, after all.

In case you’re interested, here’s a link to my Christmas Playlist, which includes all the songs from the songbook, and starts with a festive ballad I wrote, because I’m a sentimental old fool.

Every Xmas song I've done, including 2018's Advent Calendar.

I am sure you’ll do a much better job of these songs than I ever could. Get down with your festive self!

Love always, to you and yours from me and mine, this Christmas.

