Chords: It Feels Like Christmas by The Muppets


The Muppet Christmas Carol is my absolute favourite Christmas movie. It's the best, and anyone who says otherwise can get into the frozen sea.

It Feels Like Christmas is the song that the Ghost of Christmas Present sings...and it's hard as balls to play. (For me at least.)

Come get you some chords for this epic Muppety Christmas carol…

I wanted to do this song last year as part of the Advent Calendar, but I simply couldn't play it well enough to do it justice. At the time I had a great, great deal of difficulty with F#, and while G#m is still a slippery little sucker, I'm better at the transitions between the trickier chords now than I was.

The song has a whole boatload of key changes in it, which means you start off thinking you can do it, and then it just goes...somewhere else...and then somewhere else, and again. On the upside, it was a song to put on my list of 'songs I can't play right now but want to be able to one day'. And now that I've gotten a little better at playing ukulele I can, more or less.

Here's the Imperfection Project video, which I think came out quite nice, even if my camera did chop the video into two for no reason…

And here are the chords for if you want to run this gauntlet yourself:

Don't say I didn't warn you, I find it really tricky still, so I salute you if you can play it well! Go you! (COME IN AND KNOW ME BETTER, MAN!)

Is it just me, but the bit in the movie where the Ghost of Christmas Present gets old, is the very saddest part of the movie? Thankfully he doesn't seem at all sad to go, so we’re spared his pain at least.

Merry Christmas, y'all. If I get the courage, I may play you a Christmas ballad I wrote, that made me cry when I sang it, sometime…

Love always,



P.S. This isn’t my song, it’s from the best Christmas movie ever. Here’s the original…