Recovery Mixtape - The Other Side

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Remember how last year I was looking for a Recovery Playlist that wasn’t about wallowing in drug addiction, couldn’t find one, and ended up making my own? Well, since then I’ve been setting aside songs that would fit another mixtape, and it’s up now on my YouTube Channel.

It’s a really, really good mixtape.

What The Other Side is full of:

Songs that are joyous, hopeful, and inspiring.

Songs that are catchy, often upbeat. Earworms, my friends.

Some songs that are slower, more pensive, thoughtful pieces that help me feel seen, and remind me that others are riddled with doubts and anxieties In There too.

Songs full of humanity.

Songs that have general themes about growth, triumph, freedom, evolution.

Many songs that are the kind of alt-rock/classic/undeniable 80s genius I can’t get enough of. (And may cover soon…)

What it’s not:

It’s resolutely not about how glamorous and sexy addiction is. Because that bullshit is an outright lie.

It’s not sad songs about the needle and the damage done.

It’s not songs about feeling deprived, or missing those ‘good’ ol days.

Nothing in it (other than the odd reference here and there) is explicitly about alcohol. It’s just a damn good mixtape. Which is exacty how it should be.

Life’s rich pageant

Most of the time, I don’t even think about alcohol, or recovery, or my state of not being a drinker. It’s just…not a thing. My life is so full and rich that I don’t want drugs in me any more, so I don’t think about it. Sure, there are down times, and up times, but there are never drunk times for me these days.

The thing is, if you’re looking for the helpers, I’m one of them. For people like me, it’s important to give back, and to offer a hand to those who might be where I was a few years ago. I don’t want to be the girl who vanishes into the night with her effortless sobriety held close to ther chest, leaving a trail of heartbroken redheads in her wake. I want to be someone who’s got it figured out, and who might occasionally say something helpful to a past self. (Trail of heartbroken redheads optional.)

So, listen to this mixtape, and if you’ve a mind to recovery, I’m sure you’ll pick up on the bits where that extra layer of meaning sparkles. If not…it’s just a beautifully-curated collection of excellent songs.

Here’s the link to the playlist on my channel if you’d like to subscribe – please do, I’d like to see your smiling face there with me – and I’ve embedded it at the bottom of this post too. Enjoy!

Love always,



Songs for the dissolution of bad habits, the B-side.