Advent Calendar December 20th: Merry Christmas Everybody

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So, I did that Slade song. No, not that one, the one everyone knows.

There's no screaming "IT'S CHRIIISTMAAAAAS!" in this. No need to get stressed. It's not coming. I thought about doing it, but, it just didn't fit right. I have an amusing version where I did, but...nah. That's for hilarity in karaoke booths, and I wanted this to be a *nice* version that we can all listen to without going, "When does the screaming bit come? Is it now? Now?" *worryworryworry*

Undue stress for sensitive types, no thank you.

Or maybe it’s just myself and a trusted friend who think that about the Slade song. I know full well where the screaming begins. He, and my Kind-Eyed-Boy, not so much. They always get it wrong, and find the whole shebang, the wait, the wonder, altogether unpleasant.

…Which is a shame because it’s a nice song, other than those ridiculous lyrics where they shoehorned in their band name in a way that makes no sense. “But, the past tense of ‘slay’ is ‘slain'.” we all said. And then the 2010s happened and it all became a-okay again to say ‘slayed’. Ah, how old and curmudgeonly I sound right now. I’m good with it.

Setting aside the thoroughly silly lyrics, and the incorrect chords and words all over the net, this is an absolute choon. I’ve loved the song since I was a kid, and I still do. It’s so joyous and silly and 70s.

Here’s my one take acoustic cover, which took me loads of goes to get because I really do need to get the buzzing of that uke fixed…

ukulelecovers #christmasmusic There's no screaming "IT'S CHRIIISTMAAAAAS!" in this. No need to get stressed. It's not coming. I thought about doing it, but, it just didn't fit right. I have a totally hilarious version where I did, but...nah.

Aaaand here’s the chord sheet for Merry Christmas Everybody.pdf

(Yes, just in case you do want to do the screamy bit, it’s written in the sheet when it comes…)

Have fun playing it, you crazy diamond.

Love always,

