What the hell will I write about?

What the hell will I write about.jpg

Since you're in my safe space

Let me start by saying that my metaphorical heart will be on my sleeve, splattered on your shirt, and all over the floor. Repeatedly. You've been warned. Now that's out of the way, let's get down to the business of subjects.

They say write what you know, and I know some things. Mostly unwanted things. Often painful things. Sometimes helpful things.

With the overall aim of making, doing, and writing for the fun of it (and actively choosing imperfection over stagnation) in the coming months I'll share what it's like to live In Here as opposed to Out There.

Much of which will be a mistake, but I'm doing it anyway.

Themes of my personal narrative

  • Being invisibly disabled: what it's like to have Ehlers-Danlos type 3, and the coping strategies I employ on a daily basis to keep a lid on the worst parts of my condition.
  • Living alcohol-free: how I've changed, and how the complexion of my life has shifted since I stopped drinking alcohol. What I do now instead.
  • Musical delusions with zero musical training: teaching myself the ukulele (GODS WHY!?), my love of singing, and attempts to record music with Cubase.
  • Artistic(ish) projects: I paint, sew, and make stuff. Some of it's cool to look at, and I've sold pieces in the past. With my camera, I like to collect interesting textures, and capture moments in time that I think are beautiful.
  • Living in a body I let get far too fat, again: since I can do better than this, I'll be musing on the long process of working from too much adipose to too much awesome. (Again.)

Is that it?

Bonus topics may include television, feminism, mindfulness, cats, recipes, poetry, style, and god only knows what else I feel like writing about. There's a lot I won't be covering here though, either because I'm contractually obliged not to, or because I simply don't want to lean into negativity unless it's productive.


I hope you'll enjoy my mistakes, because I'm going to keep making them.