Original Song: Pegasus

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Another of mine, and one I penned a good while ago now as an exercise in writing something different: it’s a slow, slow, slow song, that’s restricted to a simple melody more-or-less throughout.

Come hear a song called Pegasus.

Sometimes things work out when songwriting, sometimes things don’t. I’ll keep on trying different things because the process sparks inspiration, and I go into writing the next song with even greater joy, and greater knowledge of myself, what I like to sing, and what works for me than ever before.

This track is an odd one: I oscillate between loving the languid pace of this ballad, and thinking it’s a clear B-side. (Right now I feel like it’s a B-side, but that could be fatigue talking. Regardless, the video is done…so it’s going up. I’ll probably love it again tomorrow.) I doubt that the lyrics will make much sense to anyone else, which is kind of one of the fun things about writing songs.

Here’s the Imperfection Project video, which pretty much everything went wrong with, and in which I look bloody awful, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I’m happy to share it with you anyhow.

It's one of mine, and it's slooooow. I oscillate between loving the languid simplicity of this melody, and thinking it's a clear B-side. I doubt if the lyrics make any sense to anybody else, but it ties together in a bow that works for me. Hope you enjoy it!

Love always,



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