Original Song: Playing For Keeps

Playing For Keeps.jpg

This is the first song of mine that I ever played for anyone other than my Kind-Eyed-Boy. I did it at an open mic night and royally messed up after the bridge. Of course, nobody could tell, because nobody knew how it was supposed to go except me.

I wrote it as an exercise in using the same four chords all the way through, but varying the vocals, rhythm, and strumming pattern to give variety, like a lot of songs do. It’s a pretty dark movement really, all about the great machine of modern society and how you can fall through the cracks into a life of irrelevance as soon as you’re out of school. That’s what the key of Dm brings out in me, I suppose. :D

Here’s the Imperfection Project video:

A bit of a dark turn for Monday (that's Dm for you) with a song I wrote about the great machine of society, and how easy it is to fall through the cracks if you let yourself. You can find more from me at https://www.livingwithmymistakes.com #original #songwriter #acoustic

It’s odd, this isn’t my favourite song of all those I’ve written, not by a long shot, but it’s one I feel more comfortable sharing than all of my favourites. (That’s happening a lot at the moment, me copping out.) I think I feel okay with this one because…it’s not got a lot of me in it, perhaps? Maybe because it’s so sad and bleak: in general I prefer to write and sing happier, or more upbeat songs; I’ve got so much empathy that a minor key like this can really make me Feel Things. I’ve not shared any of my upbeat ones yet…I think I’m hoarding them for when the Time Feels Right, whenever that is. Rest assured that I’ve got a bunch of lovely, pretty, happy, explosive songs in the wings…I’ve just not pulled the veil back enough to share those bits of my heart and mind yet.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy this song, I learned a lot while writing it, and I’m proud of it, now that I’ve performed it without totally messing it up for once…

Love always,



P.S. I did write this, from scratch, and if you want to play it, it’s Dm, Gm, Am and C allll the way through.
