Posts in Music
Chords: In the Middle of the Night by The Wind and The Wave

I cried when I first heard this song. When you lose someone, it’s the moments of pure emotional honesty that help chaperone you through grief; this song is so raw in its simplicity and cross-applicable truth that it surfaced all the feelings I was compartmentalising just to get through the day, and I was overcome. It was too much, and I had to turn it off. I couldn’t listen to it at work, ever.

It took me months to build the courage to face up to its measures, and figure out (a semblance of) the chords. I sat in my loft with the rain thrumming on the roof, had a good, solid cry, and said a few more little goodbyes as I excavated the music.

The song is beautiful. There’s literally no way I could do it justice. I tried anyway. Here are some chords.

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Chords: Still Fallin' by Hunter Hayes

22 years ago today, I fell for a boy with kind eyes…

Given the occasion, here are the chords for a beautiful song by Hunter Hayes that I worked out a while ago, and which covers everything I’d like to say to my sweet love today. (Plus there’s a badly-lit YouTube video of me singing it, if that’s your jam.)

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Chords: Tomorrow Is Mine from Bayonetta 2

Hey, friends. It’s been a while since I put up the chords for anything, so let’s start again with an absolute banger of a choon from an exceptional game called Bayonetta 2.

If you haven’t played the game, you really should, but if playing video games isn’t your sort of thing, the main theme song is also great fun to try out. The chords should be fine for ukulele, guitar, etc, but remember, you have to feel it out, and may need to transpose for your range…

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Thoughts on the Advent Calendar

It's been a rough start to the year, and I'm just over being ill too. Again. I've written this stiltingly over the past week, in between mega-naps and nose-blowing fits – and it's not been an easy ride to get it into this kind of shape.   

But I promised both myself and yourself that I'd stitch together my thoughts about the Advent Calendar, sooner or later. So here they are, in all their snuffly-nosed glory.

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Chords: Advent Calendar 2018 Songbook

My word is my bond. I made a promise – and when I make a promise, I keep it. Always.

I completed my silly, wonderful Advent Calendar endeavour: to publish one Christmas Song per day on YouTube during December, up ‘til Christmas Day, and post the chords for it here. The recordings started off as one take, just me and my ukulele, and grew over time to incorporate multiple layers of backing vocals and harmonies. Some were pretty good, too!

It was an ambitious project, a lot of fun, a big mess, an incredible learning experience, and something I’m tremendously proud of. Come get you the songbook, I did internal links and everything.

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Advent Calendar December 24th - One More Sleep

It's the last day of the Advent Calendar, and my hands didn't want to behave at all today on this unfamiliar, UK uke. But this beautiful song from The Muppet Christmas Carol had to be *today's* song, so there was nothing for it but to turn away from the mic and will my silly, rebel hands to form the trickier chords.

I hope that you've enjoyed my Advent Calendar, such as it was, and that you're with the people you love this Christmas. If so, tell them that you love them, and cherish every moment. If not, make a toast to absent friends, and know that your heart is not alone this Christmas.

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Advent Calendar December 23rd: I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day

All you want for Christmas is this Wizzard track covered, with Santa beard hilarity, and multi-track harmonies? You got it. You’ve been good, after all.

This one is posted late because, well, it’s Christmas Eve Eve, and Tesco was mad (but full of good cheer), then cooking gravy was mad (but likewise), as was filming this in an unfamiliar setup, then realising I still needed to figure out the chords for the instrumental bit (sorted!), and then my sound recorder didn’t want to recognise my microSD card. I got there in the end...and I’m really proud of the potential this process shows. It’s proof of concept if nothing else.

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Advent Calendar December 22nd: Step Into Christmas

After a long journey yesterday, we finally arrived home...and with so few sleeps left before Christmas day, there’s a lot to do.

Today's Christmas prep involved a whole load of shopping, and decorating our UK Christmas tree - with time-lapse, naturally. Sadly with all the Christmasing, I didn't get to do proper backing or harmonies for this song.

I really would have liked to, but time was against me. Maybe next year...

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Advent Calendar December 21st: Deck the Halls

Gosh, singing both parts of this is an (inhale) adventure in (inhale) trying to take big (inhale) breaths whenever you possibly (inhale) get the chance, lest you run out of breath to (inhale) siiiiiiing! Quite an adventure, let me tell you.

Naturally, Deck the Halls is a total classic, referenced in other Christmas songs, and catchy as heck, it’ll have you fa-la-la-ing all the way home.

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Advent Calendar December 20th: Merry Christmas Everybody

So, I did that Slade song. No, not that one, the one everyone knows.

There's no screaming "IT'S CHRIIISTMAAAAAS!" in this. No need to get stressed. It's not coming. I thought about doing it, but, it just didn't fit right. I have an amusing version where I did, but...nah. That's for hilarity in karaoke booths, and I wanted this to be a *nice* version that we can all listen to without going, "When does the screaming bit come? Is it now? Now?" *worryworryworry*

Undue stress for sensitive types, no thank you.

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Advent Calendar December 19th: Bless Us All

The softer side. This song always makes me emotional, but then every song from this movie has that effect on me in some fashion. This one especially though.

The Muppet Christmas Carol is my very favourite Christmas movie; I think it’s pretty much perfect in every way. It has highs and lows, always makes me feel glad to be alive, and inspires me to create something wonderful. Like Muppets.

While this song isn’t my absolute favourite from the movie (that has a very LARGE spirit in it, HO HO HO!) this one doesn’t have any ridiculously hard chord changes in it, and I more or less made it through without my voice giving out…

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Advent Calendar December 18th: Christmas Alphabet

One I like, but probably nobody really knows, unless you had a rad Cliff Richard Christmas album in the 90s. Bonus: this is a short one.

It’s fun to play and sing, and though the chords at the end aren’t quiiiiite perfect on the video, I know what they should be, but was having a ‘lacking in manual dexterity’ kind of day, so the simple version of the chords it was for the sake of Getting It Done!

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Advent Calendar December 17th: Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas

This is quite literally my favourite Christmas song of all time.

Sure, I love the classics, in fact, the olde schoole of Christmas songs is my favourite genre, but as far as single tracks go, this one by the Eels is the absolute top. It’s easy to play, fun to harmonise (#FORESHADOWING), and just an absolute bop.

For those of us who suffer with depression and anxiety (waves hands wildly) it’s also a beautiful message. Because everything is going to be cool this Christmas, my darling. We got this.

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Advent Calendar December 16th: Snowflakes

IT SNOWED! When I woke this morning it was snowing – sadly, it stopped by the time I’d set up my camera, aaand then started again after I was done. Clearly, Lady Luck isn’t on my side for a snowflakes tumbling shot today.

In my haste, here I am, bleary, puffy, makeup-free and in my PJs for a sultry(ish) rendition of a very pretty song by Olivia Holt off the Disney Holidays Unwrapped album. It’s a song that I like very much, and I think it came out alright, if I’m honest. Even with the camera randomly refocusing on the background every few moments…

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Advent Calendar December 15th: Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy

I cloned myself! How else could I do this two parter?

I am immensely proud of this video. I know it's not perfect, and that's the lowest my register goes so it's not the nicest sound I can make, but the relationship between the two melodies is the most important thing - and it's there.

I’d like to think that David and Bing wouldn’t hate it. They probably would, but that’s okay. I grew and learned as I made it. And I was playing for me.

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Advent Calendar December 13th: White Christmas.

I’m nearly (so nearly!) recovered from my cold…so it’s time for White Christmas. A belter if ever there was one, which I held back on out of respect for you, dear listener.

It’s a gorgeous song, sung to perfection by Bing, Dean and all those crooner guys. Heck, even Cliff Richard does a nice version, but then, I am partial to a bit of Cliff.

Mine was recorded hastily before I head out to the company party, where all shall make merry on pain of death. While I endure, come get yourself some chords!

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Advent Calendar December 11th: Frosty the Snowman

I started getting my voice back (somewhat) so it was time to do something lively! AND WHO DOESN’T LIKE FROSTY THE SNOWMAN? People who are dead inside, that’s who.

My vocals are chock full of vibrato, but then I’m still kinda ill, so my breath control isn’t top notch today.

Regardless, this is a fun little ditty to play, and the chords aren’t hard. Come get dat chord sheet!

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Christmas Song Advent Calendar: December 10th

I had to record this song yesterday, as life is going to get in the way today. Hence why my voice is still all addled with cold in the video. Needs must.

Today's song is a simplified cover of Best Christmas Ever by Julian Moon, and I think it came out quite pretty, given the circumstances. The chords are comfy and cosy, the words are romantic, and it’s got a nice, chill vibe which fits with my intense inability to put any force behind notes right now…

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